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MsTweedee's Social Media Links

Facebook Groups by MsTweedee

Memes and Bible Verses

This is a group where I'll be archiving the memes and Bible verses from my home church's Facebook page. Anyone is welcome to share their memes and Bible verses. The only type of videos accepted are .gifs. This is not a group for debates or discussions but more of a group for picking your favorite memes or Bible verses to share in your groups and/or personal pages. Clean and funny, non-Christian memes accepted. All posts subject to the Admin's approval and may be removed or rejected even if posts do not go against group rules. This is to be like Instagram, where you view, like if you want, share if you want and move on with just short 'respectful' comment

Memes and Bible Verses (public group)

Ministry for Christ

This is group devoted to the Great Commission. The sharing of Christ through posts & memes in order to introduce the unsaved to the one true God and Savior Jesus Christ who is the son of God. Anyone is invited to become a member, no matter what they believe, r as long as they agree to be respectful to each other. This group is a volunteer basis and we want to share the Gospel of Christ with those that are willing to legitimately/seriously listen with an intent to learn, not to debate or convert us to all the other false teachings. The rules of the group are in the 'file section'. Be sure to review as any violations of the rules will result in expulsion and blocking from this group.

Ministry for Christ (public group)


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